1. Call Meeting to Order

  2. Roll Call

  3. Public Comment

  4. Individual Reports
    • Chair, President, Brian Sullivan
    • Vice President, Gabe Fortier
    • ICC Representative, Tyler Fulinara
    • Treasurer, Noe Ramirez
      • vote for paying past debt passed (4-2)
    • Advisor(s)
  5. Unfinished Business
    • None
  6. New Business
    • Chemistry STEM event participation
      • cookies for sale (maybe)
      • “Hello World” computer with any language
      • small game (maybe)
      • Fliers
      • Occupation stats on site
    • Panda fundraiser
      • Waiting for tax code
    • Potential trip
      • still undecided
  7. Break-out Session
    • Web development by Tyler
      • pushed to next meeting
  8. Comments and Announcements (The Chair shall recognize in turn members requesting the floor for a period not to exceed three minutes.)

  9. Adjournment (Reminder, if you have any ideas or suggestions for the next meeting that were not mentioned today, you may email us at bccompscislub@gmail.com before Monday of the week of the next meeting)