1. Call Meeting to Order
    • Meeting Called to order at 1:10PM
  2. Roll Call
    • Chair, President: Brian Sullivan
    • Vice President, Gabe Fortier
    • ICC Representative, Tyler Fulinara
    • Treasurer, Noe Ramirez
    • Advisor(s)
    • Introduced Board Members and Advisors
    • Introduced New Club Members
    • Collected Annual Club Fees
  3. Club Presentation
    • Reviewed Club Consitution
  4. Election
    • Elected New ICC Representative
  5. Trips Miscellanous
    • Discussed Silicon Valley Trip
    • Discussed Fundraising in order to raise funds for trip
    • Presented the Treasury Report to the Club Members and discussed future fundraising plans such as chipotle, selling top ramen, and snow cones
  6. Public Comments
    • Members brought topics and issues to clubs attention
  7. Adjourn Meeting