1. Call Meeting to Order
    • Meeting Called to order at 1:00PM
  2. Roll Call
    • Not enough members for voting.
  3. Public Comment
    • Vananh’s mention about the fundraiser before the LA trip.
    • The new board officers are taking over the meeting.
  4. Individual Reports
    • Chair, President: Brian Sullivan
      • Mention about the SLO trip on April 8th, 2017
    • Vice President, Gabe Fortier
      • No report
    • ICC Representative, Arthur Carillo
      • No Report
    • Treasurer, Noe Ramirez
    • ISIT Committee Student Representative,
      • Getting $$$ from Measure “J” to improve BC’s technology.
    • Advisor(s)
      • No report
  5. Unfinished Business
    • None
  6. New Business
    • Extra Life & Garden Fest April 22nd
      • Get the volunteers started
    • Panda Express Fundraiser
      • Move to the summer
    • Snow Cone Fundraiser April 24th & April 27th
      • Get volunteering started
    • LA Trip April 28th
      • Get people to sign up.
  7. Break-out Session

  8. Comments and Announcements (The Chair shall recognize in turn members requesting the floor for a period not to exceed three minutes.)

  9. Adjournment (Reminder, if you have any ideas or suggestions for the next meeting that were not mentioned today, you may email us at bccompscislub@gmail.com before Monday of the week of the next meeting)