• WE HAD 2/17/2017’s CLUB BUSINESS MEETING AT MESH COWORKING SPACE: 2005 Eye St #4, Bakersfield, CA 93301
  1. Call Meeting to Order
    • Meeting Called to Order 1:16
  2. Roll Call

  3. Public Comment

  4. Individual Reports
    1. Chair, President, Vananh Vo
    2. Vice President, Diego Diaz
    3. ICC Representative, Alec Sherlock
    4. ISIT Commitee Student Representative, Gabe Fortier
      • Since Measure J passed, there will be WiFi Upgrades to the BC Campus.
      • Integrating Linux with the Windows Computers in the Business Building.
    5. Treasurer, Brian Sullivan
    6. Advisor(s)
  5. Unfinished Business

  6. New Business
    • Game Jam Cancelled
    • Update on Chipotle Fundraiser
      • FLYER
      • Will happen on March 3rd 2017 4PM - 9PM, 4950 Stockdale Highway
      • After Meeting the club will go to chipotle as a group.
    • Updates on Trips
      • No Updates on Trips
    • Discussion on Web Development Project #2
      • Split up into Groups and have members work on pages on the website.
      • Members should also come to the meetings and just work on their projects.
    • Bakersfield College Hackathon Presentation by Diego Diaz
  7. Coding Challenges
    • Revise The Coding Challenges part of the meeting. s
  8. Break-out Session
    • KIT Presentation by Alyssa Haas
  9. Comments and Announcements (The Chair shall recognize in turn members requesting the floor for a period not to exceed three minutes.)

  10. Adjournment (Reminder, if you have any ideas or suggestions for the next meeting that were not mentioned today, you may email us at bccompscislub@gmail.com before Monday of the week of the next meeting)