1. Call Meeting to Order
    • Meeting Called to order at 1:03 PM
  2. Roll Call
    • Introduction of Officers and Club Members
  3. Public Comment
    • No Public Comments
  4. Individual Reports
    1. Chair, President, Vananh Vo
      • Presentation about New Officers/Elections
    2. Vice President, Diego Diaz
      • No report
    3. ICC Representative, Alec Sherlock
      • No ICC Report
    4. Treasurer, Brian Sullivan
    5. Advisor(s)
  5. Unfinished Business
    • Club Shirts for Members who reserved
      • Extra Shirts Available. (12)
  6. New Business
    • ISIT Committee student representative
      • May be held as a board position of the computer science club
      • May be merged in with ICC’s jobs and duties in the case of no member available to sit on the committee
    • Powerpoint overview of spring semester
      • Project Meeting
      • Hackathon
      • Guest Speakers
      • Club Trip(s)
      • Club Projects
      • Coding Challenges
      • Building a competitive team to compete in the WRCCDC.
      • Funding
  7. Coding Challenge
    • Present new coding challenges Coding Challenges
    • Members who wish to work on a coding challenge may contact Alan to get started.
  8. Break-out Session
  9. Comments and Announcements (The Chair shall recognize in turn members requesting the floor for a period not to exceed three minutes.)

  10. Adjournment (Reminder, if you have any ideas or suggestions for the next meeting that were not mentioned today, you may email us at bccompscislub@gmail.com before Monday of the week of the next meeting)