1. Call Meeting to Order
    • Meeting Called to order at 1:07 PM
  2. Roll Call

  3. Public Comment
    • No public comments
  4. Individual Reports
    1. Chair, President, Vananh Vo
    2. Vice-President, Diego Diaz
      • Announcement about the library Hackathon at CSUB
    3. ICC Representative, Alec Sherlock
      • No ICC report.
    4. Treasurer, Sarena Cerda No Treasurer report available.
    5. Advisor, Harold Mendoza, Richard Miles, or Eddie Rangel
      • Guest speaker Troye Miles to come to Bakersfield to hold a Javascript meet up.
        • Location or date has not been announced but to possibly take place at MESH or CSUB.
      • Western Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition
        • Hacking competition (much like capture the flag)
        • Too late for BC to compete this year, but may be possible to form a team next semester if it gains enough student interest.
        • Link to their website
  5. Unfinished Business
    1. Fundraiser:
      • November 19th and 20th - Baking and making posters
      • November 21st and 22nd - Selling goods
        • volunteers needed: Cashier and others to sell baked goods.
        • Need people to be present throughout the fundraiser.
    2. Club Polo shirt order:
      • Allocating $ for T-shirt needed:
      • Allocation of $446.82 from club account 2300.82 for the purchase of club polo shirts for all members of the computer science club in which have paid the price of $15 each.

      Vote taken and passed with unanimous vote

      • Extra Polo shirts will be for sell (first come first served).
    3. Nominate and Vote for Treasurer and Secretary:
      • Gabe and Brian nominated for Treasurer:
      • Alan Marin nominated for Secretary:
        • Gabe voted into the position of club Treasurer
        • Alan voted into the position of club Secretary
  6. Break out session:
    • Guest speaker Professor Miles:
  7. Comments and Announcements
    • More information about the Western Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition provided by Professor Rangel.
  8. New Business
    • All business not discussed during meeting was tabled until next meeting 12-02-16
  9. Adjournment
    • Meeting adjourned at 3:00 PM