1. Call Meeting to Order
    • Meeting Called to order at 1:11 PM
  2. Roll Call
    • 12 paid members were present to hold a bonafide meeting.
  3. Public Comment
    • No public comment offered
  4. Individual Reports

    1. Chair, President, Vananh Vo
      • Club polo shirts will not be in on time.
      • XXL polo shirts will cost an extra $3 for a total of $18
      • Polo shirts of any other size will cost $15
    2. ICC Representative, Alec Sherlock
      • NO ICC Report
    3. Treasurer, Sarena Cerda
      • Haley Crews filled in for Sarena with the Treasurer report.
      • The treasure report is not up to date as it didn’t have the 10-25 and 10-27 fundraiser reported.
      • Treasure Report
    4. Advisor, Harold Mendoza and/or Richard Miles
      • No Advisor Report
  5. Unfinished Business

    1. Club Trip Discussion:
      • The costs of Hotel rooms and rental are more than the club funds could afford.
      • Concern were raised of not having enough money for the club to fundraise or thrive for the next semester.
      • Proposed a few solutions to avoid this:
        1. Each member going on the trip could donate $10.
        2. If two members volunteer driving their personal vehicle, the rental wouldn’t be needed, cutting the cost by nearly $400.
        3. Professor Rangel suggested cutting the hotel rooms and going 1 day would avoid all these issues.
      • Students agreed a one day visit and returning home the same day would be fine (not official yet)
    2. Fundraiser Ideas continued:
      • It was noted that the club cannot sell what the cafeteria are selling.
      • Sugar free brownies.
      • Pokemon themed cookies.
      • raffle prizes(related to computer science) would be a neat addition during the bake sale.
      • Help is needed for the fundraisers.
        1. Making posters to advertise our funderaiser.
        2. Members Volunteer time to sell baked goods.
      • Ideas of talking to fast food chains were brought up as a good near future fundraiser.
  6. Comments and Announcements
    • No comments.
  7. Break out session:
    • Guest speaker Skylar Payne, BC Alumni, Former Google software engineer, current LinkedIn software engineer.
  8. New Business
  9. Adjournment
    • Meeting adjourned at 2:54