1. Call Meeting to Order
    • Meeting Called to order at 1:05 PM
  2. Roll Call

  3. Public Comment
    • No public comment offered
  4. Individual Reports

    1. Chair, President, Vananh Vo
      • Update on Trip and Polo-shirt order.
    2. ICC Representative, Alec Sherlock
      • NO ICC Report
    3. Treasurer, Sarena Cerda
      • Reported the results of our last fund raiser that took place on 10-18-16
        • The club raised $77.44 in profits by selling cotton candy and snow cones on campus.
    4. Advisor, Harold Mendoza and/or Richard Miles
      • No Advisor Report
  5. Unfinished Business

    1. Ordering club shirts
      1. In order to begin production of polo shirts for the club, the club would be required to pay 50% upfront and finally pay the remaining 50% when the order is complete.
      2. A club vote was called to allow for club officers to ask for 50% of the amount to come out the club account to begin production while we wait for club members to pay for their T-shirts. When half of the T-shirts are sold, it shall replace the amount removed from club funds and shall not effect the amount that will go towards to club trip.

      Vote to take out 50% of the cost from club funds to begin production was called

      • The vote passed by unanimous decision.
    2. Club Trip update:
      1. Club paperwork is almost complete and will be turned in by Friday October 28th 2016.
      2. The department of student life will hold off on transferring the club’s 50% of the trip cost from the club account when the club has raised the full 50% giving the club enough time to raise their agreed 50% without punishing them for not having their 50% before the trip date.
    3. Fundraiser continued:
      1. 2 upcoming fundraiser dates: 10-25-16, 10-27-16 Selling cotton candy and snow cones.
      2. Help will be needed. Sign up sheets were available at the end of the meeting to sign up to help.
  6. New Business

    1. Diego reported the line up of guest speakers for the month of November.
      • Skylar Payne, a BC alumni, former Google software engineer, and current LinkedIn software engineer will be coming in November 4th to talk about the interview process, how he got to Google, and CS topics that he worked with most while working at Google.
      • Professor Miles will be giving a talk about the field of Computer Science and the job interview process November 18th (update)
    2. Diego reintroduced the idea of coding challenges.
      • The club showed interest in starting coding challenges up again.
    3. Diego gave a small presentation on the topics of Jekyll and Github.
  7. Comments and Announcements
    • No comments.
  8. Adjournment
    • Meeting adjourned at 2:26
  9. Breakout session:
    1. Students got practice with Github.