
The regular meeting of the Artificial Intelligence Computer Science Club was called to order at 9:13 am on March 6, 2015 in B11, 1801 Panorama Dr, Bakersfield, CA 93305 by Chad Hidalgo.


  • Chad Hidalgo
  • Patrick Hawks
  • Brenda Corral
  • Edgar Orozco
  • Kozmik Moore
  • Her Johnson
  • Vananh Vo
  • Gerardo Martinez
  • Edgar Silva
  • Bryson Zuspan

Approval of Agenda

The agenda was unanimously approved as distributed.

Approval of Minutes

The minutes of the previous meeting were unanimously approved as distributed.

Open Issues

  • Discussed the progress of the flyers for Garden Fest. Vannah and Gerando commented that the flyers were completed.
  • Update of the Marquee Project was given. Stewart Signs was consulted for the project. Discussed possibilities of how the club can fundraise

New Business

  • Chad Hidalgo mentioned that as club President had put in a request for a grant of $200 to aid in purchasing club T-shirts.
  • Pat Hawks gave a report on the information provided at the last ICC Meeting.
    • Spring Dance
    • Poster for each club with their mission statements
    • Bin for each clubs
    • Garden Fest
  • Talked about maybe putting an Event Committee together for events.
  • Vannah talked about a project proposed to her by her English professor. The project proposed is revamping the Habits of Mind app and make it more user-friendly. Club is to download the app and make noted on what could be improved. Develop a survey to hand out to students about what could be better with the app.
  • Flyer will be sent to Brenda Corral who will then get them approved by SGA and distributed.
  • Last meeting’s coding challenge submissions were reviewed on Github. Pat Hawks did a more in-depth review in club of his submissions written in Assembly Language and C++. Gerardo Martinez also gave an overview of his submission written as a Java program.

Agenda for Next Meeting

  • Collect Annual Fees and issue receipts from those who have not already paid


Meeting was adjourned at 10:57 AM by Chad Hidalgo. The next general meeting will be at 9:00 AM on April 3, 2015, in B11.

Minutes submitted by: Brenda Corral

Approved by: Chad Hidalgo