
The regular meeting of the Artificial Intelligence Computer Science Club was called to order at 9:00 am on March 6, 2015 in B11, 1801 Panorama Dr, Bakersfield, CA 93305 by Chad Hidalgo.

Approval of Agenda

The agenda was unanimously approved as distributed.

Approval of Minutes

The minutes of the previous meeting were unanimously approved as distributed.

Open Issues

  • Chad Hidalgo, President, reported that there is approximately $ 43.

New Business

  • Money due by new members was brought forth.
  • Garden Fest was talked about and what to do to prepare.
  • Club Logo was gone over and both new designs shown. There was discussion to decide what to do with the logo. Shirts were discussed and the logo was chosen to be submitted. Show of hands were asked to vote for the submission of logo and was approved unanimously.
  • Shirt and price was gone over and the price change was discussed.
  • Garden Fest flyers are needed to pass out. Discussion of what is need on them was gone over. The committee for creation of flyer was talked about and members were asked if they would like to join. Some ideas were asked to be submitted to be decided on.
  • Moodle was discussed and forums explained. Examples were shown by Chad Hidalgo.
  • Co-advisor discussion and getting candidates so that we won’t have trouble getting into the room.
  • IT department was asked to get speakers to come in and speak about what they do.
  • ICC meeting 2 weeks ago, clubs were asked to decide if they are passive or active clubs.
  • SGA nomination for a student who goes far and beyond for other students.
  • SGA app discussed and whether an app would be created for the club.
  • Club continuation after Chad Hidalgo transfers was lightly touched upon.
  • Google Summer of Code: Google uses this project to get college students to get some experience. Link to the page was posted on Facebook.
  • GitHub was gone over and explained how to make submissions.

Agenda for Next Meeting

  • Collect Annual Fees and issue receipts from those who have not already paid


Meeting was adjourned at 10:57 AM by Chad Hidalgo. The next general meeting will be at 9:00 AM on March 20, 2015, in B11.

Minutes submitted by: Brenda Corral

Approved by: Chad Hidalgo