
The regular meeting of the Artificial Intelligence Computer Science Club was called to order at 1:33 pm on 11/21/2014 in Burger King, Columbus St., Bakersfield, CA by Chad Hidalgo.


  • Chad Hidalgo
  • Patrick Hawks
  • Cesar Martinez
  • Diego Diaz
  • Peter Rodriguez
  • Edgar Orozco
  • Francisco Gallardo

Approval of Agenda

The agenda was unanimously approved as distributed.

Approval of Minutes

The minutes of the previous meeting were unanimously approved as distributed.

Open Issues

As discussed previously, Patrick Hawks has started an interim web site for the club using github. The Constitution has been posted and a link has been made available on the Facebook Group page. The link is The Facebook Group page has been changed to the category of “closed” which will allow for BC students who use Facebook to find the group and see our activity.

Chad spoke about the status of the proposed design for a club t-shirt. We still need to talk to Erin Miller regarding use of the Habits of Mind POSSIBLE acronym. We also discussed revising the premade logo to incorporate the design of the BC Renegades knight logo with a “computer head” and have zeros(0) and ones(1) on the sword. Chad stated he has a friend who can draw and will ask him to help us. We will likely need approval through SGA/Student Life to use the logo with our custom changes.

New Business

We were delayed in starting the meeting today because we could not gain entry into B11 despite being on the Upcoming Events calendar on the BC Website. We discussed needing to communicate with Dr. Damania and Professor Mendoza in order to be sure we will be able to use the room as scheduled.

Annual dues were collected in preparation for eligibility to vote at the next meeting. Those not present today or unable to pay today will have an opportunity to pay prior to passing out ballots at the February 6th meeting.

We reminded Patrick to be prepared for his presentation on Github for the February 6th meeting. Everyone is looking forward to this presentation. We discussed having certificates of appreciation given to presenters so that they can use them for their portfolio.

Chad Hidalgo announced his candidacy for President for the next year. Patrick Hawks nominated Chad for President and Peter Rodriguez seconded the motion. Chad accepts nomination and there were no further nominations for President.

Patrick Hawks announced his candidacy for ICC Representative for the next year. Chad Hidalgo nominated Patrick for ICC Representative and Francisco Gallardo seconded the motion. Patrick accepts the nomination and there were no further nominations for ICC Representative.

Motion from Diego Diaz to separate the position of Treasurer/Secretary was seconded by Patrick Hawks and presented for vote. Ayes carry and we will have a Treasurer and a Secretary for the next year.

Diego Diaz announced his candidacy for Treasurer for the next year. Patrick Hawks nominated Diego for Treasurer and Peter Rodriguez seconded the motion. Diego accepts the nomination and there were no further nominations for Treasurer.

Diego Diaz nominated Francisco Gallardo for Secretary for the next year. Patrick Hawks seconded the motion. Francisco accepts the nomination and there were no further nominations for Secretary.

We are long passed the date requested by Director Autwell for assistance with Welcome Week (January 20, 21, and 22). Chad Hidalgo will send an email on Monday, January 19th to finalize the hours that members may be available to be at the Welcome Week booth and communicate this with Director Autwell with apologies for being so late.

Motion from Diego Diaz to purchase small bottles of water to pass out for good will during Welcome Week. There was no second and the motion failed. Diego volunteered to purchase them on his own and understands that the expenditure is not authorized for reimbursement from club funds.

The request for assistance from Dr. Damania to direct attendants for the symposium “Changing World of Learning with Web 2.0” was presented. We need 6 members to be available at 5:45 on February 4th. Patrick is unavailable. Chad will be able to arrange his schedule. Chad will follow up during the first week of the semester in order to communicate with Dr. Damania who will be available. Those who are planning to attend need to have a BC shirt.

Chad Hidalgo presented a receipt for the purchase of a receipt book for club use. Chad will be reimbursed from club funds for this purchase.

Motion from Chad Hidalgo to set a fundraising goal of $5000 to provide 10 scholarships (based on merit in a code/essay competition) in the amount of $500 each. Patrick Hawks seconded the motion and it was presented for a vote. Ayes carry and we will organize fund raising events to meet this goal.

Cesar Martinez suggested shaved ice, calling it by a Spanish name for later in the semester when the weather warms up. We discussed popcorn, cotton candy, a car wash, and a “Mario Kart” tournament.

We discussed ideas for custom light shows using Light-O-Rama or DMX controllers that will be presented to SGA/Student Life as it can be used for a holiday display to generate funds and it can also be incorporated into choir presentations, graduation, and sporting events.

Chad Hidalgo is going to talk with Media Services about recording the presentations and having the presentations available to all students and faculty/staff.

Agenda for Next Meeting

  • Collect Annual Fees and issue receipts from those who have not already paid
  • Elections
  • Presentation from Pat Hawks on Github
  • Schedule next presentation topic and presenter


Meeting was adjourned at 3:07 PM by Chad Hidalgo. The next general meeting will be at 1:00 PM on February 6, 2015, in B11.

Minutes submitted by: Diego Diaz

Approved by: Chad Hidalgo