
The regular meeting of the Artificial Intelligence Computer Science Club was called to order at 1:07 pm on 11/21/2014 in Burger King, Columbus St., Bakersfield, CA by Chad Hidalgo.


  • Chad Hidalgo
  • Patrick Hawks
  • Cesar Martinez
  • Diego Diaz
  • Zeke Kennedy
  • Craig Panek
  • Peter Rodriguez
  • Edgar Orozco

Approval of Agenda

The agenda was unanimously approved as distributed.

Approval of Minutes

The minutes of the previous meeting were unanimously approved as distributed.

Open Issues

  • Constitution corrections suggested by Dr. Damania were discussed and implemented. A unanimous vote was received to email the corrected Constitution to all absent members and to Faculty Advisor Harold Mendoza. A request was made by email to submit suggestions for changes to the Constitution before Wednesday, November 26th.

  • Application for use of a room on campus was completed by Chad Hidalgo and Diego Diaz. Signature and information from Faculty Advisor Harold Mendoza will be obtained on Tuesday, November 25th.

New Business

ICC Representative Patrick Hawks presented items discussed at the ICC meeting earlier today.

  • SOF Grant Workshop - $1000 grant available, a club representative needs to attend the workshop on Monday, November 24th at 4:00 PM. Chad Hidalgo is available at that time and will attend the workshop.
  • Garden Fest: (March/April??)
    • Carnival Games
    • $50-$100 deposit - Must stay all day to retrieve the deposit.

Craig Panek presented a question about HTML Web Development and introduced “” We will look into this further for presentation at the next meeting.

We will have our first short presentation on February 6th after elections take place if we have time available, otherwise will be pushed back till next meeting. (Patrick: Github).

Patrick Hawks volunteered to set up an interim repository for the Club Constitution and Meeting Minutes on github.

Agenda for Next Meeting

  • We will be discussing the upcoming elections for the 2015 school year.
  • Collect Annual Fees and issue receipts
  • Elections will be held during our meeting on February 6th.


Meeting was adjourned at 2:43 PM by Chad Hidalgo. The next general meeting will be at 1:00 PM on January 16, 2015, in TBD.

Minutes submitted by: Diego Diaz

Approved by: Chad Hidalgo